About AirportMet
This site is dedicated to provide accurate reports on current weather conditions and short-term forecasts from all the airports in the world that have weather station. The AirportMet algorithm decodes the station information and calculates certain additional data. The information is generated, by measuring instruments and meteorologists physically present at each airport, as a reference for pilots and other actors operating in it (who by their functions require more precise information than the one provided by the general public oriented weather information services).
AirportMet is the best choice for any person who needs current weather information or short-term forecast (20/30 hours) of a city or place, that has a mayor airport nearby. Traditional forecasts utilize Numerical Weather Prediction (based on present data from radiosondes and meteorological satellites), that fails to predict weather as it doesn't consider specific factors from small areas that are locally determinant. On the contrary, AirportMet provides high precision information. Data is obtained trough observations made by meteorologists that are fisically present at each station and analize those factors that are locally relevant.
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